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Customizing a Form

Hover over a form to display the Edit button in its top right-hand corner and be able to:

  • modify the layout (add or delete form fields and change their order by simple drag-and-drop):

  • modify the form SETTINGS (edit the Form Name and specify the Email address to receive submits at):

  • modify ADVANCED Form Settings:

  • TITLE: click inside the field to modify the Title of the message that will be displayed after the visitor submits the form;
  • DESCRIPTION: click inside the field to modify the message that will be displayed after the visitor submits the form;
  • PLACEHOLDERS: leave selected (default) to display placeholders (such as “Enter your name” and “Enter your email address”) inside the form fields. Deselect the Placeholders’ control to hide the placeholders. TIP: you can modify the placeholder text for each of the fields from the FORM tab of this dialog.

  • SPLIT FORM BY TWO ROWS: select to display two input fields in a row:

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